Ozgur's Weblog

Regarding Mad Max: The Game

I think I have marked Mad Max the game as finished two days ago. I liberated 2 areas (of 4 in total) and I believe I have seen all of the mechanics the game offered.

Gameplay Loop

Without delay let's discuss the basic loop. In every area you have an upgradable stronghold acts as your base. The upgrades allow you to get free amenities. After you leave the stronghold your overall target is to reduce the threat in the regions. Why? Because story missions only trigger then. To lower the threat levels you need to dismantle the camps, destroy the scarecrows, clear the minefields and clear the convoy routes.

How do you do that? By your car and by Max himself. The camps require Max to go on foot and beat every opponent in the camp while destroying the objective. Some have transfer stations, others have marked enemies and so on. After you achieve this objective the camp becomes yours and provides periodic junk delivery, which is used on your upgrades. The more upgrade you have, the better you fight and so on.

The other areas in the map requires the car upgrades to be cleared. Harpoon, Thunderpoon and other devices allow you to destroy the cars you encounter, go faster to win the races and gain the edge in convoy battles and break scarecrows (flaming monstrosities that raise the threat level).

Why you do all that? Because the game offers you scrap from these activities which you use to get stronger both on Max's side and Max's car side.

In addition to scrap, you have Griffa tokens used to make Max even more stronger in a RPG sense - more HP, increasing fuel and water gathering efficiency and so on.

Problem: Repetition

The game behaves and runs fantastic. The engines roar, the shotgun is blasty and the upgrades are meaningful - at first. Then, after you clear the first area; the game offers you everything it has in the store. After that part, don't be me and overplay. After that part, playing one activity a day can be satisfying but trying to finish it can be (and for me it was) a chore. Kills the fun.

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